Teenaa koutou and welcome to the Here-turi-kookaa-August 2024 edition of the Waikato Regional Theatre Construction Update.

Progress on site

Highlights from the last month.

  • Commenced installation of the glass that makes up the wall that overlooks the awa (circled below).

  • Significant progress on creating the structure to hold the blade walls’ cladding.

  • Nearing completion of all structural elements up to Level 3.

  • Progress of the creation of the internal spaces – you can start to see the form of spaces such as dressing rooms and bathrooms.

Significant events coming up

The following progress is expected to occur in the next month.

  • Continuation of the curtain wall window glazing along the river side.

  • Installation of the atrium roof trusses.

  • Getting close to the final concrete pour for the main building.


The Theatre seen from the KPMG building, 1 August 2024.

Overall Programme

The WRT’s construction programme has been updated as follows.

  • Site Set Up                                          Completed

  • Demo                                                    Completed

  • Earthworks                                         Completed

  • Foundations                                       Completed

  • Structure                                             Commenced - Due for Completion early 2025

  • Envelope                                             Commenced - Due for Completion mid 2025

  • Construction Completion              Due for Completion 2025

  • Fit out and Commissioning           Due for Completion 2025.



Foster Construction team email for any queries relating to this project - queries.wrt@fosters.co.nz.


About this Update…

These Waikato Regional Theatre Construction Updates are produced by Graeme Ward and Georgia Osman from RDT Pacific, the Theatre’s Overall Project Manager, assisted by Mark Servian from Momentum Waikato, their Communications and Marketing Manager.

These newsletter issues are posted at the website waikatoregionaltheatre.co.nz – the dedicated web address for construction news and contacts, separate from Momentum Waikato’s theatre community and fundraising site sharethestage.co.nz.